Year-End IRA Housekeeping

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it several important deadlines for IRA account owners and beneficiaries. In my experience helping clients address year-end IRA matters, the following are the most problematic areas: Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Deadline: December 31 is the deadline for taking RMDs from an IRA for an account […]

Should Have Put A Ring On It.

Pellie was in a long term relationship with Tony that lasted over 40 years. They never married. Pellie became Tony’s caretaker when his health began to fail. Tony died in 2015. Pellie had received about $300,000 in assets from Tony up to and after his death. But Pellie believed she was entitled to much, much […]

Saving for College Off the FAFSA Radar

Many of my clients have a desire to incorporate a college savings component into their financial plans to help with their grandchildren’s college education expenses. In many cases, a 529 college savings account has already been set up for the grandchild by the parents, and the client would like to contribute to that account. Simple […]

Apps to Make Dementia Care Easier.

Smartphones and tablets have become integral parts of everyday life. There seems to be an app for everything. Not surprising, there are many smartphone and tablet apps to help dementia sufferers and their care givers address the many dementia-related challenges faced on a daily basis. Loretta Woodward Veney, a motivational speaker and author, whose mother […]